Linking up for another edition of the Kids Behind the Blog.
I thought it would be fun to put down what I imagine Autumn would say too… 😉
What is your favorite thing to do with your friends?
Annabelle: Play cats! (no surprise there)
Autumn: Discuss the best way to keep mom and dad company at night and in the early morning hours.
Who is your favorite person?
Annabelle: Mimi, and Grammy and Papa (Ouch…. not so much mom and dad I guess…)
Autumn: Mommy (well more so Mommy’s boobs…)
When playing outside what do your ideal sunny day plans look like?
**I just asked her what she likes to do outside**
Annabelle: slide down
Me: You mean go down the slide?
Annabelle: Yes
**Note: this is really funny, since whenever we walk to the park in our neighborhood she refuses to go down the slide (or play on anything) and we usually end up walking right back home.
Autumn:Listening to the birds
What do you like to do when it’s raining?
Annabelle: Play inside
Autumn: Drink Momma’s milk
If you could plant a garden of anything what would you plant?
Annabelle: grass (umm… ok….)
Autumn: not to sure what she would say.
If you want to check out what Annabelle said last time, you can head over here.