Baby Size: Baby Siero is now the size of a lemon! It is crazy to me how much growth as occurred!
Gender: Still don’t know, but leaning towards boy. When I was pregnant with Annabelle I didn’t get any canker sores (which I am very prone to.. it sucks big time). It was so nice to have over a year of no canker sores! With this pregnancy I am still getting canker sores (boo).
Cravings: Still Arby’s, and maybe bacon a bit (but bacon is good when I am not pregnant as well).
Symptoms: Nothing really. Feeling pretty great! Just some minor hip pain here and there.
Sleep: It’s going a bit better. I busted out the pregnancy pillow, but I can’t quite get comfortable with it. A pillow between the knees has helped a bit with the hip pain. I still hate being on my side though.
Movement: None yet.
Clothing: I have busted out the maternity pants. My normal jeans are just not comfortable, especially for sitting on the floor playing with Annabelle. I also feel that maternity pants help me look pregnant instead of looking like I ate too many cookies (which I may have done this weekend).
Miss Anything: Other than sleeping on my back not to much.
Big Sister: She is doing well. I love asking her if she is going to to help momma with the baby, and she tells me “yes”. Oh honey…. little do you know how your world is going to change! As I get more pregnant, I think I will be shown Annabelle videos of babies to help prepare her more.
Getting Excited About: The weather warming up! It is March 30th, and yesterday, it was snowing. I mean I live in MI so I’m used to kinda crazy weather, but I’m done with the snow now. Please can it start warming up so we can get to the park? Also excited about March Madness!!! I am super pumped that MSU made it into the Final Four! Here is hoping they can take it all, since I have them winning the whole thing in my brackets.